Sunday, September 26, 2010

Word 2003 bye-bye?

If you have been following Word Tips World for a while you will know that I have religiously kept the tips limited just to those that are about Word 2003, which at the time I started the blog (2007) was still the most common version around. Word 2007 (Office 2007) had come out, but most people (including me) hated the new 'ribbon' and were perfectly happy using Word 2003 and earlier version.

Times have changed gradually, Word 2007 has given birth to 2010 and to be perfectly honest, though I personally still don't like the 'Ribbon', I think I am ready to move over to Word 2010, at the same time I migrate to Windows 7. There ARE serious bugs in Word 2003 that affect my productivity and I guess clinging tenaciously to an out-of-date product just isn't the sign of a mature personality!

But I don't want to take a final decision without asking you the reader. So come over to the site (if you are an email or RSS subscriber) and leave a comment on this article, and also vote in the poll you see on the right-hand side, which will run for around a month, and let me know, which is it to be: Yes, Office 2003 should be put out to pasture and we should move on to Word 2010 or No, never, I would rather die than move over to Word 2010 and The Ribbon!

I will consider your opinions and votes in taking a final decision. Thanks!

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